About Us

Sinergia Ingeniería
Engineering with vision for inmediate requierements
Sinergia Ingeniería was founded in 2011 by Eng. Dennis La Touche, who already had a robust professional career of a decade as a consulting engineer in design, energy simulation and commissioning.
The concept to be implemented was clear from the beginning: to execute a wide spectrum of electromechanical engineering services for projects and buildings of various turns (commercial, corporate, industrial, hospitality, residential, etc. ), both in Costa Rica and in several countries in the region. To this diversified approach in services and applications, is added the technical expertise provided by different certifications and accreditations of internationally recognized entities such as ASHRAE, NFPA and ASPE, among others.
In June 2017, Mr. Mauricio Romero joined as a partner of the firm after an uninterrupted career of 16 years of engineering consulting in both Mexico and Costa Rica, having mainly developed projects of resort hotels and medical and electronic device industries.
Currently the Sinergia Team is made up of approximately 30 collaboratorsincluding professionals in engineering, design, engineering assistance, collaborative modeling and administrative staff. Thanks to this team, a vast number of projects have been developed in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Colombia and Ecuador, among others.